Afghanistan Failure
To President Joe Biden, Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, Congressman Gerry Connolly
When we bugged out of Saigon in 1975, we left friends and allies behind, and now we are doing it again. All of you surely remember.
Afghanistan was a tragedy ongoing since before we arrived, and will continue now that we’re leaving. That much was always out of our hands. However, if we hope to recover any moral standing in the world, what we do now will be the basis of how the US will be judged.
As it stands, this judgement will not be kind, nor should it be.
Without sufficient means to protect these people, the decision to withdraw was precipitously made. Correcting it now tells the world we stand with our allies — wasn’t that a campaign promise? Failing to honor that pledge would be the worst kind of betrayal.
We have expended how many lives and how much money in Afghanistan to accomplish what?
We can be proud of our troops; please help us be proud of our government. Return sufficient troops, jets, drones, whatever, and lead them, their children, mothers, fathers, cousins, aunts and uncles, out of this nightmare we are leaving them to face. Take a $ billion or two and take care of these people!
Those refugees from Vietnam who settled in the US after that war have blessed us with intelligence, grace and culture. The descendant of a Hmong ally just won a a gold Olympic medal in the name of the US, her country. The Afghan people will do just as well.
Please study the face of the girl in the photo above; I ask that you do your duty.
William E. Evans
Falls Church, VA, 22041